The Yale Daily News highlights the FAS Senate’s report that calls for the University to increase the amount of attention it pays, and the resources it allocates to FAS...
The 2018 Elections
Committee releases report with suggested amendments to by-laws and senate procedures. The report has been made available to the FAS for their comments and...
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences Senate (FASS) Election’s Committee Chair Reina Maruyama, has announced the results of the 2018 FASS elections. Re-elected and newly elected...
The Yale Daily New reports on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Senate’s (FASS) Town Hall meeting that took place on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 in collaboration with the...
Matthew Jacobson, FAS Senate Chair and William Robertson Coe Professor of American Studies and Professor of African American Studies and of History, is quoted in a recent ...
Reina Maruyama, Chair of the Elections Committee for Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences Senate (FASS), announces that the election process for electing new senators for 2018...
The Faculty of Arts and Science Senate (FASS) is sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2018 in Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall (SSS), 1 Prospect Street,...