
March 2024

Public Work of the Senate Document NOTE: This document is up for discussion at the beginning of every year by the Senate and subject to revision at that time.

March 10, 2022

FAS-SEAS Senate By-Laws updated on March 10, 2022

June 7, 2021

FASS By-Laws updated as amended at March 26,2020 meeting

May 18, 2020:

FASS By-Laws as amended at March 26, 2020 FASS meeting

November - 2016:

FASS By-Laws as amended at the November 10, 2016 FASS meeting
September - 2015:

Because the Senate is new to Yale, procedures and rules for meetings have been adopted on a provisional basis, for the Fall 2015 semester. A full discussion and vote on permanent procedures will take place on January 28, 2016.

Fall 2015

Proposed Operating Procedures of the Yale FAS Senate - September 10, 2015