FAS and SEAS Senate Reports

Off the Ladder: Revisiting the Status and Condition of Instructional Faculty - Approved by the FAS-SEAS Senate on May 18, 2023

Results of 2021-22 Faculty Focus Groups on Endowment Spending Priorities - Approved by the FAS-SEAS Senate on April 20, 2023


FAS Statement of Concern regarding Academic Freedom at Yale - Approved by the FAS Senate on October 1, 2021



Proposed FAS Mission Statement - Approved by FASS June 2020

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Senate Statement: Preserving the Future of Yale’s Research and Teaching during a Financial Crises - Approved by the FASS on June 9, 2020

The Yale Endowment Spending Rule - Approved by the FASS on June 9, 2020

Three Lessons from Past Financial Crises at Yale - Approved by the FASS on June 9, 2020

Report of the Elections Committee of March 26, 2020 - Approved by the FASS on March 26, 2020


Report of the Peer Advisory Committee on the Creation of a University Ombuds Office at Yale - Approved by the FASS on May 7, 2019

Informal report of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Senate Ad Hoc Diversity Committee on the
Faculty Resources Committee (FRC)
 - Approved by the FASS on May 7, 2019


FAS Senate Research and Scholarly Excellence Report - January 23, 2019 - (full) - Approved by the FASS on December 11, 2018

Report of the FAS Senate Ad Hoc Elections Committee - Approved by the FASS on August 27, 2018

Review of Progress in Restructuring the FAS - Report of the FAS Senate Governance and Institutional Policy Committee -  Approved by the FASS on May 8, 2018


FAS Senate Respons to the August 2017 Report of the University-Wide Ad Hoc Committee on  Procedures for Resolving Faculty Misconduct - Approved by FASS on November 9, 2017

FAS Senate Report on the Status, Pay and Condition of Non-Ladder Faculty in FAS - Approved by the FASS on April 9, 2017


FAS Senate Report on Budget Transparency/Approved by the FASS on December 8, 2016

Recommendations for the Procedure for Selecting Divisional Deans in FAS/Approved by the FASS on November 10, 2016

Report by Shiri Goren and Charles Schmuttenmaer on Visit to Yale NUS/Presented to the FAS Senate on May 19, 2016

FAS Senate Diversity and Inclusivity Report/Approved by the FASS on May 19, 2016

FAS Senate College Expansion Report/Approved by the FASS on March 10, 2016

FAS Senate Faculty Conduct Standards and Procedures Report/Approved by the FASS on March 10, 2016

FAS Senate Review of Yale’s Parental Policies/Approved by the FASS on March 10, 2016


Interim Report of the Senate’s Study Group on Faculty Conduct Standards and Procedures/November 19, 2015